Monday, November 24, 2008

Seeing Jimmi Hendrix at Woodstock

I actually found "Because My Father Always Said He Was the Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play "The Star Spangled Banner" at Woodstock", to be one of the best stories we have read besides the "The Sutton Pie Safe". I found this story to show a very good insight of Victor's life and had very interesting stories within it. Like the story about how the dad was in jail. Though the story was sad and upsetting, it was interesting. It told a lot about Victor's dad's history and gives you a better understanding of the racial discrimination. A lot of stories that we read in College Lit. make you dig and dig for the story. This story just told you flat out. I like that.

One question I still have however is how old is Victor exactly? The story sends mixed messages throughout the entire thing.

One more thing I have to add that I really liked about this story was the list in the middle. The list told of the daily routine Victor and his father performed. I feel that putting that list in the middle of the story made it seem more personal and almost easier to understand. It made the story easier to relate to. This is definitely one of the top stories we have read in College Lit.


Nicole H. said...

I totally agree with you. I liked this story and it was by far the best that we have read. I also agree with the list. The list sounded like it was sweet and cute, but at the same time it made you sad because his dad like doesn't give him any credit for it.

Kevin said...

I thought that it was a good story as well. It did a good job of pointing out the different racial discrimination going on in the world today. It also showed how it is up to us how we want to remember things. I also like it better when stories tell you how it is, which this one did.

Jeff White said...

Yeah, it was definitely one of my favorite stories from last year, too. It does a good job of questioning the definition of "American"

Lisa said...

I liked this story a lot too, especially how he said that he was "the only Indian to see Hendrix" or whatever. It gives a sense that the character felt either isolated, or just so taken up in the moment that he felt like Hendrix was playing for him and him alone.

However, the whole falling asleep to his parents having sex thing really creeped me out, that's waaaay too much info for me.