Monday, January 12, 2009

Is there such thing as RACE?

A big topic of discussion in our college lit. class lately, has been the topic of race. One of the questions our teacher our teacher asked there such thing as race?

My answer is yes! I think there is definitely such a thing as race. If there wasn't I don't think people would make such a big deal about it all the time. However, I don't think it just has to do with your color of your skin, which is the first thing people think of. Every race has a different style of, "slang, songs, movies, cartoons, jokes, and theater," (Barrett and Roediger). When immigrants first came to America, these different styles were the way people of the same race could find others like them. Words such as guinea, was linked to African slaves. To an even greater extent, those from the northwest coast of Africa. By using words like these, which are original and from a certain area, others from where they are from. Therefore, I do believe there is such a thing as race.


Lisa said...

I agree with you Kelsey. The people who say that there isn't such a thing as race are totally lieing to themselves. We all notice skin color and the differences in people by default, it's just how we are brought up. We may not mention the differences that we notice, but we still must acknoledge that we noticed them.

Winnie K said...

I definitely agree with you guys. Race is a big thing in our culture. I feel that people should just chill out and just not judge other people by their pre-concieved notions.

Natalie H said...

Kelsey, I feel the same way...race exists and trying to deny that is impossible because people are affected by thier race all the time. I think everyone does it on some level, but your right its not all about skin color either.

Good Post!

Marisa said...

I agree and disagree at the same time. I believe race has more to do with the color of your skin and ethnicity has to do with the culture you come from. But both things can mix into each others world. Color can mix into ethnicity and heritage can mix into race.

Keenen D said...

I agree. Yes there is race, but it shouldn't be based on skin color or anything like that.

Sami said...

I agree, I think that your race has a lot to do with your personality and how you carry yourself. Cause you could be white and come across as Latina if you talk the way people perceive Latins. And so on. Nice Post!